Early Childhood Consultation Partnership
ECCP is a statewide, strengths-based program that is designed to offer caregivers of young children relationship-based consultation services. The goal of the ECCP is to support the healthy social and emotional development of young children (birth to age five) by offering support and consultation to those who care for these children.
ECCP is funded and supported by Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families and the Office of Early Childhood and is managed by Advanced Behavioral Health, Inc.® ECCP is designed to meet the social and emotional needs of children birth to five.
The program builds the capacity of caregivers by offering support, education & consultation to promote enduring and optimal outcomes for young children. Our program offers services for families, classrooms and Early Care and Education Centers, and Family-Based Child Care Providers.
Our agency has two consultants that support the Danbury, Waterbury, and surrounding towns.

For More Information:
Penny Leo, MS Waterbury Area
203-755-1143 ext. 4325
Dionne T. Johnson, MSED Danbury Area
203-797-9778 ext. 121